Saturday 18 April 2020

IRCT supports PVCHR work for Torture survivors in time of COVID-19

Dastan Salehi, Advocacy Officer of International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) writes to PVCHR, We are pleased to inform you that we have approved your request for €1000”. PVCHR management team writes, “It is one of the most important supports in the most difficult time in the world. Thanks to IRCT for supporting us during the time of Global Pandemic.  This will help to provide support to the survivors of torture from poor, migrant and vulnerable communities.”

Most of the torture survivors are daily wages landless worker.   In the Anti – torture database we found that 59% survivors have no education and technical expertise they are unable to get permanent livelihood option.

After being tortured 68% survivors became unemployed. They primarily depend on their family’s members for managing the expense.  Later after providing psycho – social support through Testimonial therapy the participation of the survivors increased and they started to continue their work.

First hand survivors faced economic burden due to torture and second hand 21-day lockdown to prevent the rapid spread of the virus which increased their burden.  This leads to severe livelihood challenges and in the current situation these survivors faced survival problems because they were not allowed to go outside and work. The situation became panic for them because in the nominal income they were only able to provide food for the family for not more than two days. After the advocacy with the State Government they are getting ration but still facing the crises of other essential items and psycho – social support.  We provided ration to the few torture survivors who were in need.
The amount 1000 Euro requested will be used for both short term/ immediate requirements:

1.     Proving direct support to the survivors of torture such with essential items, Soap and Sanitizer etc.
2.     Providing counseling and psycho – social support through testimonial therapy to the survivor who faced torture and ill – treatment by the Government officials.

The processes will again re- build the confidence of the survivors and it will increase their participation in all levels.  The process documentation will be shared with the member in the form of articles, testimonies etc. 

#COVID #COVID19 #CORONA #IRCT #PVCHR #JMN #Torture #Survivor

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